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Please review this consent form carefully, as it outlines the necessary laboratory testing recommended for your care. If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask before signing. Your informed consent is essential to proceed with these tests.
Naturopathic Medicine (within Ontario)
Dr. Kerri's practice is weight-neutral, approaching nutrition from the 'what can we add' vs the 'what can we take out' lens.
Dr. Kerri uses the best of natural medicine to help you understand and address your health concerns. Using an in-depth history along with your personal health goals, diagnostic testing and/or physical exam, she assesses what’s going on and then creates an individualized plan, including some or all of the following: lifestyle support, high-quality supplements, gentle nutrition, worksheets, recommended listening or reading. Follow-up appointments are scheduled based on your needs and goals. Typically, that’s every 1-3 months.
Intuitive Eating Coaching (outside Ontario)
Make peace with food and your body with intuitive eating and body image coaching.
If you live in Ontario, please schedule a Naturopathic Medicine visit.
If you live outside Ontario, Canada, this is the type of visit you want. Naturopathic medical advice cannot be offered outside of Ontario.
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